
the art of chocolate, leather and design

one of the unexpected joys of not having a television has come in the exploration of new media outlets and content providers via the intrawebs. people are producing and sharing way rad video projects on vimeo and i absolutely love stumbling across micro, regional e-mags that are publishing content on everything from screen writing to home brewing.

a friend of ours forwarded us the following video about a pair of chocolate makers in new york city: the ridiculously cool mast brothers. after watching the short vid, i explored a little deeper into who produced the piece and for which pub. this led me to the scout, a "lifestyle and design-conscious" mag featuring unique events, retail and dining experiences in NYC.

while we don't spend much time in new york city, i found three really great videos on the scout that i'm sure can be of service to us creative bumpkins here in denver and beyond. and they're exquisitely appropriate for the blue13satellite as each piece features an amazingly inspiring tale of craftsmanship and authenticity. these videos expose some incredible people making their living(s) by doing what they love.

during a Q&A with johnny cupcakes a couple months ago at the denver art museum, i had a chance to speak with the man behind the cupcake and crossbones about his unique packaging and the importance of nurturing a brand's image. johnny says his bakery imagery and high-end packaging materials is of the utmost importance for his products.

the brothers mast use a uniquely similar approach in hand-wrapping all their bars in various old-skool paper wraps and designs. they talk about purposely seeking an inconsistent product, the history of chocolate (a food of the gods), sailing their beans across the planet and questioning every aspect of their work process. truly awesome.

mast brothers: hand-crafted old world chocolate

The Mast Brothers from The Scout on Vimeo.

roman & williams: interior design and architecture

when steven and robin describe their creative process, we learn how the designers create a platform for clients to use, live in and be inspired by. they speak of creating a dreamlike atmosphere when entering a room, and their work becomes more than interior design: it's a connection with a client's subconscious. *note the discussion of real value vs. perceived value in the video below. "it's a shame to only have dreams at night," he says. indeed.

Roman & Williams from The Scout on Vimeo.

billykirk: hand-crafted leatherworks

another pair of brothers: chris and kirk bray. who knew working with family could be so rewarding? ha. these insightful gentlemen offer some valuable nuggets to fellow creative entrepreneurs in the video below. would you buy your own product? is it trend-driven? they talk about their product being an extension of someone's personality, focusing on timeless design and being uniquely different. "we've been blinded by so much junk," chris says of american consumerism. "we've been in a throw-away society for so long."

Billykirk from The Scout on Vimeo.

many thanks to the scout for such inspiring content. and, as always, thanks for reading.


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