
upside-down creative communities

if you've ever taken a couple seconds to read the little blurb on the left-hand column of the blue13satellite, you know what we're trying to do: share creative solutions for a creative community. this blog is an attempt at shining a little light on how others are managing their respective talents while bringing new and exciting ideas to emerging (and previously non-existent) markets.

for example, we have a good friend suzy in loveland who started hip mountain mama, an amazing little mom and pop (literally) company specializing in natural, sustainable, fair-trade goods for cool, young mountain-lifestyle moms. and, our good buddy dave is launching grace skis, a small company featuring his own line of small batch, hand-crafted downhill skis.
we live among some truly amazing creative people.

so the line about how we "love those who use creativity to improve their lives, communities and planet" couldn't be more true. many of our institutions (social, political, financial, et al) seemingly have reached such a level of dysfunction that our ability to thrive as a species will greatly depend on said creative solutions.

being in the mile high city, most of our focus orbits the creative community of denver (first) and colorado (second). i believe a return to local economies and the importance of tight-knit communities are philosophies that will enable us to prosper in an increasingly complex society.

that being said, we fully embrace the notion of a global community as well. with technology providing accessibility to every corner of the planet, enlightened ideologies are (slowly) helping us realize that we're all in this (beautiful mess) together. so while today's blog entry may originate from the other side of the planet, the lesson we can take is one that can be applied to our daily lives right in our own back yard.

enter the (true story) about the boys of koh panyee -- a floating fishing community in thailand. below is a dramatized short film about a group of young men who, without an inch of dry land to their names, established one of the country's most successful soccer clubs and inspired a nation to believe that any obstacle can be overcome.

if you're starting up your own creative endeavor, or struggling with a particular aspect of a project, take a minute to adjust your perspective and realize that with a little focus and determination, you too can accomplish whatever it is you choose to achieve.

the ancient taoists have an amazing technique for adjusting perspective contemporarily-called the upside-down method. if interested, please continue reading...

according to taoist philosophy, much of what makes us stressed, or in the context of the above conversation - blocked by perceived obstacles, derives originally from taking life and our place in it too seriously. so if you find yourself living life so seriously that you can't seem to get through the tasks at hand, here’s a wonderful instantaneous reset technique.

we all know how the earth is a sphere rather than a flat surface, hence the so-called "fact" that the sky is "up" and the ground "down." however, this perception is actually a myth. in reality the sky is out, away from the sphere’s center, and the ground is actually in.

the ancient taoists who knew the world was a ball developed the upside-down method by which you reverse the illusion and become like a bat hanging down from the ground into the sky. you make the ground "up" and the sky "down" so that the crown of your head, the tips of the trees and the roofs of the skyscrapers are pointing "down" into the sky while your feet are "up" there on the ground.

a few moments of this will instantly reposition your view of reality and reset your perspective, making all the details and tasks, just details and tasks. and resetting perspective is sometimes exactly what we need to overcome our self-imposed obstacles.

good luck with all your endeavors. and, as always, thanks for reading.


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